"I am sick of feeling stuck, and I want to start moving in a purposeful direction."

Our process is designed to get you unstuck and equipped with a roadmap towards purposeful living. 

Our Process


     In this phase you will learn your story, understand your attachment history and the ways it plays into life today, and will identify your “shame players”.


     In this phase you will learn the life-changing concept of self-compassion, you will explore your natural strength areas, and work to eradicate your “shame players”.


     In this phase you will rewrite the narrative of your life story through the lens of the Holy Spirit, you will get a unique roadmap into a purposeful future, and you will become truly free.

Meet Our Coaches

Grant Ellis

B.A. Psychology Certified Alive and Free Life Coach

If you’ve ever felt alone, stuck, unloved, undesirable, not enough - I understand. I’ve been there. I get it on a deep level. Maybe you’ve said or thought something similar: I want to grow. I want to be different. I hate my circumstances. I feel like I’m always going through something. It never ends. I’m so exhausted. I just want to give up.

I want you to know right here and now - I get it and you’re not alone. My desire is to help you see that you are more than what has happened to you or what you’ve done. You can live free from self-hatred, shame, and feeling stuck - and live life to the fullest as your truest self.

Let’s talk. You were made for more!

Jess Ellis

M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy | Prepare & Enrich Certified

If you feel weighed down by feeling like you’re not enough or like you’re too much, I get it. If you simply feel stuck in relationship patterns, I get it. It can feel so frustrating, but let me tell you something exciting- there is hope.

My passion is working with individuals and couples like you! Relationships are the sweetest gift and simultaneously take such intentionality to grow in. You’re not stuck. There is a way forward into the life-giving relationship you’ve only dreamed of.

There’s more for you. I’d love to help get you there.

Who We Serve



Coaching Packages

One-on-one session 


A 60 minute session to help you get unstuck

Unique, individualized content for you to take with you

In person (Greenville, SC) or Virtual 

Three one-on-one sessions ($145)

Three 60 minute sessions to help you get unstuck

Unique, individualized content for you to take with you

In person (Greenville, SC) or Virtual

Five one-on-one sessions ($255)

Five 60 minute sessions to help you get unstuck

Unique, individualized content for you to take with you

In person (Greenville, SC) or Virtual

Contact us

Done feeling stuck? Let’s talk. 

Complete the form below so we can schedule a 10 minute consultation to determine which package would be best for your unique needs.